Laziness in C# - Sieve of Eratosthenes

After watching "Laziness in Python" YouTube video, I decided to check if it is possible to implement the same algorithm in C# using the yield statement.


My version uses .NET 7, and I kept the function and variable names the same as in the video.

IEnumerable<int> Nats(int n)
    yield return n;
    foreach (var next in Nats(n + 1))
        yield return next;

IEnumerable<int> Sieve(IEnumerable<int> s)
    var n = s.First();
    yield return n;
    foreach (var i in Sieve(s.Where(x => x % n != 0)))
        yield return i;

int cnt = 1;
var p = Sieve(Nats(2));
foreach (var i in p.Take(100))
    Console.WriteLine($"Prime #{cnt++}: {i}");

It works, but it can calculate only 793 primes on .NET 7, and then it throws a StackOverflow exception.

I changed the Nats function slightly so it didn't use recursion and calculated 7054 primes (the last one being 71257) before I ran out of patience and stopped the program.

IEnumerable<int> Nats(int n)
    while (true)
        yield return n++;

You can download and run the code here.

Thank you, Computerphile, for all the great videos!